Note: Working Group and Subcommittee Charter Updates
The FGDC Standards Working Group (SWG) actively promotes and coordinates FGDC standards activities. The SWG provides guidance on FGDC standards policy and procedures, facilitates coordination between subcommittees having overlapping standards activities, and reviews and makes recommendations on the approval of standards proposals, draft standards for public review, and draft standards for FGDC endorsement. Learn more about the working group in the Charter.
Recent accomplishments
FY 2015 Accomplishments
The SWG had the following accomplishments in fiscal year 2015:
- Advanced standards for FGDC endorsement. This year, the FGDC CG approved and the FGDC Steering Committee endorsed the following standards: Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) 5.1; ISO/IEC 15444-1:2004 Technical Corrigenda 1:2007 and 2:2008 JPEG 2000; OGC GeoPackage 1.0; GENC Standard Edition 2; and GeoRSS-Simple and GeoRSSGML. In addition, final drafts of the National Shoreline Data Content Standard and Part 2, Digital orthoimagery (revised), of the Geographic Information Framework Data Standard are pending FGDC CG approval for endorsement. These standards support NGDA Themes.
- Building relationships. Action 3.1.1 of the NSDI Strategic Plan calls for consulting and collaborating with both existing and emerging geospatial communities to advance common standards and approaches. In 2015, there was strong outreach to geospatial communities to advance common standards and approaches. At the Federal level, The National Institute of Standards and Technology,, NASA Earth Science Data and Information System Standards Office, and National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) Program Management Office briefed the FGDC SWG on their activities. Non-Federal organizations that briefed the SWG were the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) and the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. International subject matter experts from the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) and GeoConnections Canada briefed the SWG. Both INSPIRE and GeoConnections Canada expressed interest in working with the FGDC.
Activity Reports
The FGDC SWG provides periodic progress reports to the FGDC. These reports contain the most current updates on the activities of the Working Group.
FGDC Standards Program Update to CG, December 12, 2017
SWG Update to CG, July 2015
Standards WG Update, CG Meeting April 2014
FGDC Standards WG News
- FGDC Standards WG Charter (ver. 2016/09/21, pdf)
- FGDC Standards WG membership policy
- FGDC Standards Process
- FGDC Policy on Recognition of Non-Federally Authored Geographic Information Standards and Specifications