Transition to ISO - February 4, 2014 Session - Tool Overview

When Feb 04, 2014
from 09:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Where Webinar
Contact Name
Contact Phone 866-732-2382
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The “Intro to ISO” one-hour weekly webinars will begin November 5 and be taught each Tuesday through December 17, 2013. A second series of “Intro to ISO” will be offered January 16 - March 6, 2014. A “Transition to ISO” series will begin November 7 and be taught each Thursday through December 19, 2013. A second series of the “Transition to ISO” will be offered January 14 - February 25, 2014.


Course Description: This course presents the basics of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) compliant metadata. "Transition to ISO" provides the content and structure of the ISO 191** series metadata in detail, along with methods for transitioning to ISO from FGDC CSDGM metadata. Each session will last approximately one hour.

To register, please use this link:


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