January5, 1999 FGDC Coordination Meeting Summary

Persons Attending:
Bruce Ambacher (Historical WG), Gerry Barton (NOAA), Bill Blake (Facilities WG), Fred Broome (Cultural & Demographic SC), Marilyn Buford (Vegetation SC), Don Buhler (Cadastral SC), Kim Burns-Braidlow (FGDC Staff), Dave Catlin (EPA), Kathy Covert (FGDC Staff), Bob Dahl (Cadastral SC), Alan Gaines (NSF), Jeff Goebel (SIMNRE WG), Eric Goods (FGDC Staff), Bonnie Gallahan (FGDC Staff), Richard Hogan (USGS/NACo), Bernie Horack (Guest - Chesapeake Consulting), Thomas Iivari (Earth Cover WG), Cliff Kottman (OpenGIS Consortium), Win Lyday (NACo), John Moeller (Chair), Karl Mohr (FEMA), David Morehouse (DOE), Jan Morton (Geologic SC), Richard Pearsall (Metadata WG, Standards WG, Base Carto SC), Doris Reinhart (Guest - Chesapeake Consulting), Milo Robinson (FGDC Staff), Charles Roswell (NIMA), Michael Shean (NACo), Bruce Spear (Ground Transportation SC), John Stewart (DOE), Gale TeSelle (Guest), Christine Ulrich (ICMA), Tom Usselman (National Academy of Science), Bill Wilen (Wetlands SC), Rick Yorczyk (Geodetic SC)

Information Items:

Coordination Group member news:

  • Eric Goods was introduced to the group. Mr. Goods is from the US Army Corp of Engineers, Baltimore District, and will be detailed to the FGDC Secretariat's office for a one year detail. Mr. Goods will be working on Framework activities.
  • Milo Robinson from the National Geodetic Survey was selected to fill the Framework Coordinator position.
  • Gale TeSelle, USDA-NRCS, announced he has officially retired. Nancy Lopez, USGS- BRD, has also officially retired.
  • Millington Lockwood, NOAA-NOS, has been seriously ill, contact Gerry Barton for Millington's mailing address.
  • Nancy Blyler, US Army Corp of Engineers, and Angela Bottom, Department of State, are now on maternity leave.

John Moeller distributed "Request for Standards Development Funds from the FGDC Secretariat" which is an information sheet on how to make requests for funding to support standards development.

Mr. Moeller also reported that the establishment of an awards process which was discussed sometime ago is still being considered, however, it is not high on the priority list at this time. If interest is shown by stakeholders in the awards process it will be looked at again.

Gerry Barton distributed information on the NOAA National Data Centers and information on the Second Conference on The Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS for Disaster Management.

Progress reports (due December 31) are still being sought from many subcommittees, working groups, agency, and stakeholder organizations. These reports will used during the January 19 & 20 retreat. If you have not yet submitted your report, please do so ASAP.

Don Buhler reported that as of January 1 they are posting the Cadastral Data Content Standard maintenance requests on their home page (http://www.fairview-industries.com/fgdc-cad.html). These are open for comments to any one who want to make comments.

FGDC Funding Program Update for 1999: Kathy Covert presented powerpoint slides describing the new FGDC 1999 Funding Program. (Select the above link to view the presentation.) The 1999 Funding Program will be announced on February 1 and will be open for proposal submittal for 30 days. A new approach is being taken in 1999 with the areas of funding being limited to clearinghouse and metadata activities. Anyone is eligible to apply for the funding, including federal agencies. Winners of the 1999 Funding Program will be announced at the GeoData Forum in June.

Metadata Harmonization Update: Rick Pearsall presented powerpoint slides describing the FGDC/ISO Metadata Standards Harmonization activities. (Select the above link to view the presentation.) Mr. Pearsall discussed the results of the FGDC registered review of the ISO Metadata Standard Committee Draft. He also discussed results of the ISO Metadata Standard Editorial Committee meeting held in December in Reston, VA.

Clearinghouse Update: Doug Nebert presented powerpoint slides describing the recent activity of the Clearinghouse and the 102 nodes that are now on-line. Mr. Nebert discussed who was participating in the Clearinghouse, the new enhancements, and future plans. (Select the above link to view the presentation.)

Coordination Group Retreat Discussion: Chesapeake Consulting lead a discussion of the upcoming Coordination Group Retreat agenda. Much discussion took place. As a result, a revised agenda was developed. Select the above link to view the agenda that resulted from the discussion.

The meeting was adjourned.

Next Coordination Group Meeting:
THURSDAY, February 4, 1999

Bureau of Land Management
7th Floor Conference Room
1620 L Street, NW
Washington, DC

1620 L Street is mid-block on the south side of L Street.

1 1/2 blocks east of Farragut North (red) L Street exit
2 blocks north, and 2 blocks east of Farragut West (blue/orange) 17th Street exit
2 blocks north, and 1 1/2 blocks west of McPherson Square (blue/orange) 16th Street exit