February 3, 1998 FGDC Coordination Meeting Summary

Persons Attending:
Bruce Ambacher (HIS), Gerry Barton (NOAA), Bill Bergen (USACE), Nancy Blyler (USACE), Angela Bottom (IBS), Fred Broome (CDS), Kim Burns-Braidlow (FGDC), Mike Domaratz (FRM), Renee Duval (CAS), Alan Gaines (NSF), Hank Garie (NSGIC), Richard Hogan (SWG), Fred Kaiser (VEG), Millington Lockwood (BSC), Nancy Lopez (USGS/WRD), Win Lyday (NACo), Robert Mann (USACE), Jerry McFaul (USGS), M.K. Miles (FAC), John Moeller (FGDC), David Morehouse (DOE), Tom Palmerlee (USGIS), Barbara Poore (FGDC), Milo Robinson (FGDC), John Stewart (DOE), Rick Yorczyk (GCS)

Information Items:
New FGDC Membership Directories were distributed to all present. Anyone not in attendance who would like a copy, please call Jennifer Fox (703) 648-5514 or jafox@usgs.gov.

Subcommittee and Working Group Chairs were asked to provide Jennifer Fox their meeting dates and locations to be placed on the on-line FGDC calendar. Please provide Ms. Fox the exact meeting dates, location and room numbers.

Overview of Framework Activities:
Mike Domaratz, FGDC, gave a brief presentation on the overview of framework related activities. Each Subcommittee has developed a plan of framework activities that will soon be available on the web. As expected, the plans will reflect the dichotomy of Federal agencies - some are geared to produce national coverage while others are oriented to produce selected large scale coverage. The Framework Introduction and Guide book is now available. Contact the FGDC secretariat at fgdc@fgdc.gov for copies. The New England Framework Workshop was discussed. One advantage of this first and only approach to go into a specific region to talk framework was that more local participants were vocal in the conversations. The problem cited with this workshop was that there are no plans to pursue the actions from the workshop.

Nancy Lopez, USGS, stated there is an increasing focus and funding going into water activities. Ms. Lopez distributed a memorandum for the Advisory Committee on Water Information Meeting on February 17-18, 1998 to highlight some of the issues associated with water data. Ms. Lopez also said the Coordination Group should figure out how framework data sets can be intergrated and aggregated.

Alan Gaines, NSF, stated that the Global Disaster Information Network (GDIN) is an interagency effort that is still formative, but gaining momentum. There is $15 M in the USGS FY99 budget for it (see USGS press releases, pr415m). Mark Schaefer is the DOI representative and a key member of the GDIN Steering Committee. Jim Devine is the point of contact in the USGS. It might be worthwhile to get him to brief the CG at some future meeting on this initiative.

Mr Gaines also reported the Knowledge and Distribution Intelligence (KDI) solicitation is at: www.nsf.gov/kdi It is an NSF initiative, eligibility is restricted to academe and non-profit research institutions. Although the focus is on basic research, there's a lot that could be done (particularly under the Knowledge Networking component) that is relevant to FGDC/NSDI goals.

    Action: Agencies work with UCGIS, where appropriate, on proposals submitted for available NSF Grants.

Jerry McFaul, USGS, told the group of a LandView 3 CD set (11 Discs) that is available from the Census Bureau. Mr. McFaul said approximately 6 agencies contributed to the CD. LandView 3 provides a way of dealing with some intergration and scaling questions. Mr. McFaul agreed to give a demonstration at the March Coordination Group meeting. John Moeller would like to make sure there is a link of this information to the Clearinghouse and ensure it is FGDC metadata compliant.

    Action: Fred Broome will get Coordination Group members copies of the LandView 3 CD. A presentation and demonstration will be made at the March Coordination Group meeting.

Due to the lack of remaining time, Mr. Domaratz suggested the group look over the list/status of Framework related activities (Sep '97-Jan'98) sheet he provided the group for the remaining Framework information. Lastly, Mr. Domaratz announced he will be leaving the FGDC to begin work at the NMD of USGS. Milo Robinson is temporarily providing support on some of the Framework activities handled by Mr. Domaratz. Thanks for the great work you've done Mike!

Status of Framework Survey:
Hank Garie, NSGIC, briefed the group on the Framework Survey status. Forty-five states have signed Memorandums of Understanding and all have received the survey materials. NSGIC has received and processed approximately 1200 surveys so far. The targeted end date is March 31, 1998.

Mr. Garie reported five anticipated products resulting from this survey: 1) A preliminary press article targeted for July of this year which will let people know the survey is alive, well, and moving forward; 2) Summary Report which is planned as a glossy, 10-20 pages with maps and graphs, possibly having several articles written from different agencies presenting the various perspectives with regard to the survey results. 3) A national technical report which would look at national trends in the survey; 4) 50 State statistical reports; 5) On-line access to the raw survey data.

Mr. Garie asked members to consider item 2, Summary Report, and whether or not they would be willing to offer their various agencies perspectives of the survey results. There was interest from the group, however, several members felt it necessary to have a special meeting to see a prototype analysis of the results received to date. Barbara Poore, Milo Robinson, and Dave Morehouse expressed interest to Mr. Garie in reviewing results for the Survey Report.

    Action: Fred Broome will provide a Statistician for the review process.

    Action: FGDC Staff will schedule a special meeting to discuss the Summary Report. This will be scheduled after the NSGIC Mid-Year Conference in mid-March.

Brief Status Report from Subcommittees and Working Groups on Standards to Support Framework:
Richard Hogan, representing the Base Cartographic Subcommittee, reported two standards, Content Standards for Digital Orthoimagery, and the Content Standards for Digital Elevation Data have completed a public review and are awaiting the adjudication process.

Millington Lockwood, representing the Bathymetric Subcommittee, has three data standards under development: 1) Part 5 of the National Spatial Data Accuracy Standard - Geospatial Positional Accuracy Standard for Hydrographic Surveys and Nautical Chart Data is in draft and in the working/review stage. 2) National Shoreline Data Content Standard is still in the proposal stage. 3) Nautical Feature Content Standard is also in the proposal stage.

Fred Broome, representing the Cultural and Demographic Subcommittee, reported two standards, the Address Content Standard, and Governmental Unit Boundary Data Content Standard are in the draft stages.

Rich Yorczyk, representing the Geodetic Control Subcommittee, reported the SDTS Part 6, Point Profile has been approved and the Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards are being edited and will come forward for review soon. There was some discussion on this standard and the several members agreed there was confusion with this standard.

    Action: SWG will discuss the Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards.

Renee Duval, representing the Cadastral Subcommittee, reported the Cadastral Content Standard has received conditional approval from the Standards Working Group. Educational material for the standard will be available soon.

Nancy Lopez reported the National Hydrography Dataset will be completed by April. A standard for the dataset has yet been done. NMD will the draft the information for the standard.

    Action: Richard Hogan will work with Ms. Lopez on a proposal for the NHD.

January Steering Committee Meeting:
John Moeller discussed two actions resulting from the Steering Committee meeting for the Coordination Group. The first action was to assemble a list of state coordinator liaisons by March 20th. John distributed an example format to use when beginning the list. Jerry McFaul volunteered to create a spreadsheet for members to use.

    Action: Coordination Group members assemble a list of state coordinator liaisons by March 20th.

The second action resulting from the Steering Committee meeting was for members to review the NAPA Report and provide comments. Mr. Moeller is assembling a template along with a numerical list of the recommendations to aid the review and response process.

    Action: John Moeller will provide the group with a template and a numerical list of NAPA recommendations.

Next Coordination Group Meeting:
The next meeting is scheduled for:
March 10th, 1998 from 9:00-12:00
National Association of Counties
440 1st Street NW
Washington, D.C.
No id required for entry to the building

From Union station, cross Massachusetts, walk west on E 3 blocks til 1st. Turn left (south) and building is in middle of block.

From Judiciary Square, come up escalator and walk straight (south) ahead to D street. Turn left (east). Go three blocks east to 1st (crossing a street, bridge and street) and turn left (north). Building is in middle of block.

The meeting is planned for the 8th floor, but the building is undergoing reconstruction. If we have to meet on the fifth floor, there will be a sign posted by the elevators in the lobby.

                             ACTION ITEMS

Date Issued                     Action                                            
12/97       Action: (Ms. Kuhlman will follow up of the survey results by analyzing the cross-
            correlation of the results and she will report her findings to the Coordination
            Group.) Status - Incomplete.  FGDC Staff will coordinate with Ms. Kuhlman on
            her return to a Coordination Group meeting.

12/97       Action: (Coordination Group members are to review their agencies membership in
            the SWG to ensure they are fully represented and take steps to ensure the agency
            is well represented.) Status - Ongoing.

12/97       Action: (Subcommittee and Working Group Chair ensure the completion of 1997
            and 1998 reports and plans.) Status - Incomplete.

01/98       Action: Subcommittees and Working Groups provide Jennifer Fox,
            jafox@usgs.gov, with your scheduled meeting dates if you have not already done

02/98       Action: Agencies work with UCGIS, where appropriate, on proposals
            submitted for available NSF Grants.

02/98       Action: Fred Broome will get Coordination Group members copies of the
            LandView 3 CD.  A presentation and demonstration will be made at the
            March Coordination Group meeting.

02/98       Action: Fred Broome will provide a Statistician for the review process.

02/98       Action: FGDC Staff will schedule a special meeting to discuss the Summary
            Report.  This will be scheduled after the NSGIC Mid-Year Conference in

02/98       Action: SWG will discuss the Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards.

02/98       Action: Richard Hogan will work with Ms. Lopez on a proposal for the

02/98       Action: Coordination Group members assemble a list of state coordinator
            liaisons by March 20th. 

02/98       Action: John Moeller will provide the group with a template and a numerical
            list of NAPA recommendations.