Expanding the GIS Inventory System in Iowa - EGIS Iowa

Expanding the GIS Inventory System (EGIS) in Iowa project is completed. Since the initial grant award there have been changes with staffing and administration that posed some challenges to the project scale, however many of the original goals have been maintained and accomplished.

Project staff received training to administer gisinventory.net. Staff reviewed Iowa users and records in the GIS Inventory System looking for outdated user information to update, 160 records were updated. An effort was made to synchronize records between NSGIC’s GIS Inventory System (gisinventory.net) and the Iowa Geospatial Data Clearinghouse (IGDC) and Data.gov with the intention of greater data discovery on both a state and nation level. By setting up harvesting they were able to increase the participation of all three programs without requiring people to sign-up for another account: 148 records were added to gisinventory.net from IGDC; 89 records were added to IGDC from gisinventory.net; and 99 records were added to Data.gov from the IGDC.

Their educational and outreach opportunities to GIS users groups around the state, at conferences and users groups were diminished because of the previously mentioned staffing challenges. They did presentations about the program at the state GIS conference as well as at the quarterly state board meeting. The project did create greater awareness and user-ship of the GIS Inventory System and the Iowa Geospatial Data Clearinghouse among municipal, county, regional and state groups.

Final Report


Interim Report

Iowa Geographic Information Council


Jim Giglierano

Jon Paoli