OSTP's Whole-community Hurricane Information Flows Workshop Report Now Available

2018 whole community hurricane information flows workshop report thumbnailThe White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) hosted a Workshop on Whole Community Hurricane Information Flows on May 30, 2018. Roughly 100 participants attended the workshop.

FGDC's Geospatial Platform is highlighted in the report.

"There is at this time a significant Federal effort underway to develop a major repository for disaster-related data. The Department of Homeland Security, including FEMA, as well as the Federal Geographic Data Committee, are developing a Geospatial Platform (https://www.geoplatform.gov/) infrastructure to serve as a definitive portal for best-available disasterrelated data and location-enabled tools in standardized, interoperable formats. Given local user needs for timely information, attendees suggested it would be valuable if such a platform could include or link to timely, best-available data, not just curated foundational materials."

The full report is available here.