GSA Draft Standards Proposal for Buildings and Facilities Data Theme.doc
- Real Property Asset Data Standard
- The FGDC endorsed the Real Property Asset Data Standard (RPADS) in 2014. This standard was formerly called the Federal Buildings and Facilities Geospatial Data Content Standard
Real Property Data Asset Standard, FGDC-STD-019-2014
- FGDC endorses the Real Property Asset Data Standard (RPADS), FGDC-STD-019-2014
- At its September 24, 2013 meeting, the FGDC Standards Working Group voted to recommend FGDC endorsement of the Real Property Asset Data Standard (RPADS). The FGDC Coordination Group (CG) subsequently approved RPADS for FGDC endorsement by letter ballot. The FGDC Steering Committee endorsed RPADS through a ballot that closed Friday, February 7, 2014.