National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

FGDC Annual Report to OMB

Format for Agency Reports - FY 2000 and 2001 Year-to-Date

The following outline should be used by FGDC Member Agencies (or Bureaus) for their Annual Spatial Data Reports, which will be consolidated by the FGDC and submitted to OMB. Reports should be brief, using bullets where possible. Please provide only the information that will be useful for OMB to assess the agencies' achievements using the funding they received, and for establishing future direction.

Part A

1. Agency or Bureau:

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)


Name of Contact for Report:
Email Address:
Phone #:
Bruce Ambacher



Steering Committee Member Name:
Email Address:
Phone #:
Kenneth Thibodeau



Coordination Group Participant(s):
Email Address:
Phone #:
Bruce Ambacher

5. Subcommittee Participation: Subcommittees in which your agency is actively involved, but does not lead:

Cultural and Demographic

6. Goals: List of agency GPRA strategic plan goals specifically related to spatial data activities (or "none"):


7. Performance Accountability: List of agency GPRA performance measures specifically related to spatial data activities (or "none"):


8. Strategy: Has your agency prepared a strategy for advancing geographic information and spatial data activities in coordination with the FGDC strategy, pursuant to Circular A-16?

NARA's current electronic records program includes strategies for preserving and providing access to geospatial data within its current computer systems. The Electronic Records Archives (ERA) strategy includes geospatial data and metadata as object types within its Persistent Object Preservation schema.

9. Standards: Has your agency adopted appropriate standards?

Yes. NARA regulations (36 CFR 1228.270) require that geospatial data transferred to NARA conform to the FIPS Spatial Data Transfer Standards and that the accompanying metadata conform to the FGDC Content Standard for Metadata.

10. Metadata: Is your agency's metadata and/or data available and discoverable online through an NSDI-compatible clearinghouse node registered as part of the NSDI Clearinghouse Network?

NARA is not a geospatial data or metadata creator. NARA will modify existing links to the Clearinghouse, when appropriate, to indicate when NARA is the new data provider for data transferred from other agencies.

11. Vertical and Horizontal Data Integration: Is your data integratable with other Federal agencies and other sources of data (State, County, local, private)?

Not applicable to current programs. NARA maintains but does not create geospatial data. The ERA program is collaborating with USGS as a cosponsor on an NSF Digital Government grant for software mediation between GIS applications. The San Diego Area Council of Governments is also active in this project. NARA is also sponsoring research under the NSF Advanced Computational Infrastructure and Research Program into mediation between military grid and UTM data, and into data linkage between spatial data and multimedia data sources such as textual documents and photographs.

12. E-Gov: Are you using spatial data in E-Government applications? (If so, please list)

Not applicable.

13. Are there areas or issues regarding spatial data that require attention, or lessons-learned that you would like to share with others? Please describe.

NARA is concerned about the secondary use issues raised by the trend toward acquiring commercial licensed data rather than creating data. NARA also is concerned about the long term preservation issues raised by the highly hardware and software dependent nature of geospatial data.