Ad Hoc Metadata

Part B
LEAD FEDERAL AGENCY/BUREAU AND/OR SUBCOMMITTEE/WORKING GROUP REPORT (Agencies With Lead Responsibilities Assigned under Current Circular A-16 Authorities) (Please provide a separate report for each activity for which you have the lead)

1. Program/Activity Name:

FGDC Ad Hoc Metadata Working Group

2. What are the programs this data supports?

The Ad Hoc Metadata Working Group is not responsible for data programs but helps coordinate the FGDC Metadata Program. The Ad Hoc Metadata Working Group was chartered to promote and coordinate geospatial metadata activities among FGDC member agencies in support of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure. The Ad Hoc Metadata Working Group was established to promote awareness among FGDC member agencies of the metadata dimension to geospatial data; to facilitate the evolution and revision of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM); and to establish a mechanism for the coordination, development, use, sharing, and dissemination of geospatial metadata among FGDC member agencies.

Metadata, defined as information or data about data, is a major cornerstone activity of the NSDI. Metadata describes data identification, data quality and lineage, spatial components, attribution schemas, and distribution information.

Metadata is used

  • to help organize and maintain an organization's internal investment in spatial data,
  • to provide information about an organization's data holdings to data catalogues, clearinghouses, and brokerages, and
  • to provide information to process and interpret data received through a transfer from an external source.

Very Briefly Describe All Applicable Items:
3. Uses of Data: What are the end uses of this data? How does it benefit customers, support lead and other agency missions, etc.?

Metadata benefits the geospatial data customer by providing valuable information about the data in a standardized form served/published via a NSDI Clearinghouse node.

4. Charter/Plan: Do you have a current charter or plan for collection?

Yes - see

Should it be updated? No

5. Metadata: What is the status of metadata? Is it discoverable and served through the NSDI Clearinghouse? What percentage of this theme's data has metadata and is in a Clearinghouse node?

The Ad Hoc Metadata Working Group charter promotes the collection of metadata and publication of metadata on a NSDI Clearinghouse node.

6. Standards: What is the status of this theme's data, process, transfer, and classification standards?

The FGDC Ad Hoc Metadata Working Group helped to sponsor and develop the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (FGDC-STD-001-1998), which was endorsed in June 1998. Since then, individual working group members have participated in the work to harmonize the FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata with the International Metadata Standard (ISO 19115) under development by ISO Technical Committee 211.

7. Progress: List FY 2000/2001 activities/progress to date (quantify where possible)

The Ad Hoc Metadata Working Group has been inactive since January 1, 2000. Work has begun to renew the working group membership in anticipation of the work for the development of FGDC Profiles of the International Metadata Standard (ISO 19115).

8. Leadership: Describe your active leadership role with others (private, local, State, Federal) who collect and use this data.

The Ad Hoc Metadata Working Group membership is Federal based but receives input in the form of suggestions and recommendations from other NSDI partners. The FGDC Metadata Coordinator provides general leadership to the working group.

9. Collaborative Partnerships: How many major partnerships with others do you have on this theme? (list if desired)


10. Scope: Are you engaged in broad participation and international/global coordination?

The FGDC Ad Hoc Metadata Working Group, via the individual membership, participates in international/global metadata activities.

11. Policy: Do you have a policy in place for full and open access or data sharing?


12. Are there areas or issues regarding lead responsibilities for spatial data themes that require attention, or lessons-learned that you would like to share with others? Please describe