NGA Hurricane Preparedness Information

The  NGA's contribution to Katrina are documented in brief at

The primary text is repeated here:
"The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) started collecting key infrastructure-related information (i.e. on airports, hospitals, police stations, emergency operations centers, highways, schools, etc.) well in advance of landfall and got this information into the hands of Federal, State, and local first responders in the affected region. As the storm was tracked, NGA pre-deployed analysts and mobile systems to the affected areas that provided expertise and information on the ground and facilitated the delivery of additional information from NGA offices elsewhere. Because they had assets in place and focused on the region, NGA provided the first comprehensive overview of the damage resulting from the hurricane and flood. NGA merged imagery with other information, creating hundreds of intelligence products per day that could be used and applied by response professionals to aid in decision-making. NGA assessments were multi-dimensional, timely, relevant, and continuous. They addressed many issues, including but not limited to: recovery planning and operations, transportation infrastructure, critical and catastrophic damage, dike stability and breaches, industry damage, and hazard spills. The NGA World Wide Navigational Warning Service also provided navigation information to the U.S. Navy, Merchant Marine, and Coast Guard, and relayed messages from the National Weather Service to people at sea. NGA also aided in the location and recovery of oil platforms. The imagery activities of NGA were essential to the restoration of critical infrastructure."  See Also: U.S. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, "Geospatial Intelligence Aids Hurricane Recovery Efforts," news release, September 7, 2005.
Other documents that contain information on NGA's contributions to the Federal government's hurricane preparedness include:  NGA Makes the Difference: HURRICANES and TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGES  Protecting Americans at Home and Abroad
Secure Border Initiative Gets NGA Support
Preparation Key to Meeting Olympics Security Challenge
"Consequence Management" Goal of NORTHCOM GIS
Partnerships: FEMA looks to NGA for Disaster Help   Protecting Our Homeland

Agency Helps Build DHS While Supporting Fast-Paced Operations:   NGA Brokers the Data:  Through its development of the infrastructure database, NGA has moved to the forefront of the homeland-security community as a broker of imagery, elevation data and vector data sets (graphics-based geographical features).  In 2004, NGA contracted for the acquisition and integration of airborne imagery over 83 high- priority urban areas. For many of these areas, analysts used the imagery to create high-resolution three-dimensional models and visualizations.  The Agency also obtained local imagery and vector data from cities hosting special-security events. For example, NGA partnered with the City of New York in the collection of six-inch resolution, color airborne imagery over all five boroughs-critical to the support NGA and the Department of Homeland Security provided to the Republican National Convention.   Besides imagery, NGA acquired and integrated a variety of data sets on 11 critical infrastructure sectors identified by the Department of Homeland Security.  From across the country, including the Canadian and Mexican borders, more than 1,500 data layers were added to the infrastructure database.  Access to the infrastructure database is through a Web-based system developed by ESRI, the Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Inaugurated in 2004, Palanterra(tm) provides users a common operational picture on multiple networks that empowers them to visualize, analyze and act upon the latest GEOINT in real time. Users include the Department of Homeland Security's Homeland Security Operations Center, White House Situation Room, U.S. Northern and Joint Forces Commands, FBI, National Counterterrorism Center and the Transportation Security Administration's Transportations Security Operations Center.

 How Does NGA Provide Support in the United States?   [handout]
"Domestic Mobile Integrated Geospatial-Intelligence System, DMIGS - Delivered  August 28, 2006, the DMIGS represents the latest of NGA's technologies designed to support domestic requirements.  Since Hurricane Andrew in 1992, demands to support federal emergency response community requirements have continued to increase. The capabilities provided by NGA's DMIGS provide multi-faceted, geospatial intelligence support directly to on-site first responders and national decision-makers."