May 1 Coordination Group Action Items

Action 1:  The developers of the next Annual Report will include information and possibly a lead story regarding non-Framework data layers that include the NLCD.  

Action 2:   Bill Burgess will ask Bill Wilen the degree of vertical resolution needed by the SLAMM developers. 

Action 3:  Please provide Lee Farhner a point of contact for the qualitative online to set up a password.  

Action 4:  The FY 09 JBC 300 workgroup is looking for volunteers.  If you’d like to participate please provide your  name and contact information to Deb Dworanczyk ( ) and she will send you the non-disclosure materials. 

Action 5:  The CG will discuss adding the NLCD to the Circular A-16 list of data themes at a future meeting. 

Action 6:  Please contact John Mahoney if you would like to be a volunteer to serve on the selection committee (only Federal gov't employees may sit on the selection committee).  We also need recommendations of who should serve as chair. 

Action 7:  Jon Sperling will contact David Stage (BLM) to participate in the BLM / EPA parcel database initiative. 

Action 8:  We will continue to discuss this issue of data themes and responsibility at future CG meetings to better synch these areas. 

Request for action: CG members would like to develop a process to expedite the addition of data themes to Circular A-16.  Adding, deleting, consolidating data themes benefits everyone and should be regularly discussed.  

Action 9:  Jon Sperling will include the housing theme issues in his A-16 survey response. 

Action 10:  Alison Dishman will invite a National Academy of Science Mapping Science Committee representative to update the CG on their recent Cadastral report. 

Action 11:  Mike Lee will give a presentation at the August CG meeting that highlights the data gaps FGDC should address – the cross theme coordination needed for HS purposes. 

Action 12:  Wendy Blake-Coleman requests that Lee Fahrner align the HSIP with the A-16 themes to ensure we are not duplicating data, if he has not already done so. 

Action 13:  Shirley Hall or Bill Burgess will present the results of the IFTN ROI report to the CG in September.  

Action 14:  Bill Burgess will provide a copy of the letter the Western Governor’s Association (WGA) letter sent the FGDC Steering Committee Chairs, so the FGDC Secretariat can provide a response. 

Action 15:  Shirley Hall will determine how the NLCD is being included in the IFTN ROI. 

Action 16:  Don Campbell (FCC) will contact Kate Winthrop regarding the telecommunications implications of the corridors.

Action 17:  Mike Lee and Mark Eustis will provide the CG a status update on DHS geospatial data model at the June 5 CG meeting.