Framework Standards Development Proposal

Goal: To develop framework data content standards that can be used as a specification guide, underwriting criteria and to promote wide use.


  1. To have a draft content standard (FGDC Committee Draft) for each selected theme ready for public review within one year.
  2. To have a proposal for a reference model for standard implementation.

FSD Steps:

  1. Notify GIS community of upcoming effort to develop Framework standards
    a. Disseminate White Paper: Describe goals and objectives of FSD and proposed standards development process
    b. Press releases
    c. Work with CAP Category 5 collaboration groups
  2. Request for Comment on feasibility of the proposed process to develop nationally consistent standards and process outlined in White Paper. (Federal Register Notice and Business Commerce Daily).
  3. Request for Proposal: Data Modeler (for all themes to be developed in 2002 FSD)
  4. Request for Proposal: Facilitator (for all themes to be developed in 2002 FSD)
  5. Request for Proposal: FSD Management (per theme developed)
    a. Establish management for each theme to be developed
    b. Management to coordinate community data model solutions
    c. Insure participation of all relevant parties and sectors
    d. Possess expertise in related to framework theme and management areas
    e. Determine effective size of working group
    f. Only 2002 CAP Category 5 participants' travel and attendance will be supported on CAP earmarked funds (see 2002 CAP proposal).


  1. FSD will follow FGDC Standards Procedure
  2. Develop nationally consistent content standards for framework data.
  3. Content standards should represent the best intersection of requirements nationwide.
  4. Avoid one or few number of organizations dominating standards development.
  5. Unified Modeling Language will be used (TBD).
  6. Any proposal would build on existing work for a thematic category.
  7. Participants would promise best effort to implement resulting standard.


What are the thematic subcommittee and lead thematic agency roles?
Which standards to start with?
How many standards should be addressed this year (three)?
How would FGDC endorsed or developing standards be engaged in FSD program?

Cadastral Content Standard, endorsed FGDC standard
Draft elevation standard of the National Elevation Program.
Framework hydrography content standard in development.
Framework transportation-id standard in development.
Current vendor data modeling activities.

Is there a need for cross-theme integration?

Please review and comment on proposal by September 21, 2001.

To submit comments or if you have any questions please contact David Painter, CAP Coordinator, at or 703.648.5513.

Based on this review the proposal will be resubmitted to the Coordination Group for its approval at the October 2, 2001 meeting.

Framework Standards Development Proposal
FGDC Coordination Group Meeting September 6, 2001