Summary of the Framework Focus Group Meeting

Held on: March 24, 1999
Main Interior Building,
Room 7000B


Kevin Backe
Don Buhler
Fred Corle
Mike Domaratz
Andy Euston
Anne Frondorf
Eric Goods
Richard Hogan
Bob LaMacchia
John Moeller
Doug Nebert
David Painter
Barbara Poore
Milo Robinson
Joe Smith

The meeting started about 9:05am and began with introductions.

Barbara Poore updated us on the Framework Survey. The Framework Survey responses are available from the FGDC web site. A preview report is being worked upon and is scheduled for publication in the May issue of Geo Info. Discussion about what is next for the framework survey ensued. There was consensus that the survey information should be updated and maintained. The Census is particularly interested in the contact information from the survey.

David Painter provided an overview and a status of the CAP 1999. This year CAP is focusing efforts to create metadata for framework data sets. Since this year's CAP is rather different, there were questions about what the program will look like next year. This may be a concern, particularly for those agencies that make funding contributions to CAP.

Eric Goods followed up on Stakeholder Framework Issues. This included framework issues from the Coordination Group Retreat that resulted in a questionnaire being developed and disseminated to the focus group. Response to the Questionnaire was bleak.

Fred Corle discussed the Framework Thread at the Geodata Forum. (For more information see: Fred is on the Forum steering committee and is working on the Framework Thread. If you are interested in working on this thread please contact him (202) 965-5610 or

Milo Robinson presented the Work Plan for Framework. This encompassed plans to review past Framework Projects and stimulate new framework implementations.

John Moeller discussed a New Paradigm for Framework. This entailed trying to make framework tangible-to start implementation in a meaningful way.

Milo Robinson asked if there was a need to continue the Framework Focus Group. Consensus was to terminate the group. However it was also the consensus that, as needed, groups should convene to work on various framework matters. Two such groups were identified: One is how to keep the framework survey alive; and a second is to look at framework & data models.

Mike Domaratz raised the issue of trying to improve program alignment within Federal agencies. It was felt that efforts to improve program alignment were appropriate, but needed to take place at a higher level. (John Moeller will explore options with Mark Schaefer).

The meeting ended about 12:30pm

If you have any additions or comments regarding the meeting summary please contact Milo Robinson by email: Thank you.