April 1, 1997 FGDC Coordination Meeting Summary


Bob Ader (BLM); Bruce Ambacher (Historical Data); Gerry Barton (NOAA);
Nancy Blyler (Facilities); Don Buhler (Cadastral); Kathy Clement (Base Cartographic & Earth Cover);
Craig Faanes (FWS); Hank Garie (NSGIC); Dennis Green (FEMA); Fred Kaiser (Vegetation);
Bob LaMacchia (Census); Millington Lockwood (NOAA); Win Lyday (NACo); Edward McKay (NOAA);
David Moorehouse (DOE); Jan Morton (Geologic); Charles Roswell (NIMA);
Bruce Spear (Ground Transportation); Gale TeSelle (Earth Cover);
Gene Thorley (Chair, Coordination Group); Kathy Covert, Mike Domaratz, David Painter (FGDC Secretariat)

Information Items:

Bill Tolar (FGDC Secretariat) reports that "Instructions for creating Metadata using a Wordprocessor" is now available on the FGDC Metadata website at http://www.fgdc.gov/Metadata/metahome.html. The instructions are available in text, and in WP5.1 and WP6.1 formats.

No nominations were received by Richard Hogan (SWG) for liaison with the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).

The FGDC Secretariat is in the process of filling the position vacated by Mickey Kilpatrick.

NSDI Benefits Program: Please disseminate information on this program. Applications must be received by May 15, 1997. Proposal reviewers are needed. For more information contact Barbara Poore at 703-648-5971, fax: 703-648-5575, bpoore@usgs.gov.

Privacy Issues:

Gale TeSelle's White Issue Paper "Privacy Protection and Geospatial Data" was discussed. There is a growing concern in the information technology and legal communities, and Congress over privacy issues of data bases. Geographic data is a key to integrating data of all kinds including much of which is private. Questions raised included whether there is a need to identify data that is in the public domain and those that should be private; should the FGDC be concerned with only what the Federal agencies collect and distribute; is this more an issue of distribution of data that has been in the public domain but difficult to access, now easily accessible for spatial integration; and who are the players and stakeholders that need to participate in these discussions?

The consensus is that this is a difficult issue meriting additional work and that the FGDC needs to be proactive. The FGDC will need other expertise, especially legal, to develop its position. Also, mentioned was the opportunity for wider discussion at a planned session on privacy issues at the upcoming July URISA Conference.


    Kathy Covert in consultation and collaboration with interested members of the Coordination Group and subject matter experts, will prepare a background report and draft a policy statement on geographic data access and privacy issues. An outline of the report will be distributed at the May 6, 1997 Coordination Group meeting.

NSDI Seminar Series Proposal:

Millington Lockwood led discussions and distributed the proposal for a seminar series. The seminar series was discussed as a means to reach a wider audience beyond NSDI affiliated organizations to spread the NSDI message. Suggestions included that the seminar activities be required as part of the NSDI Benefits Program; that prominent spokespersons need to be identified; to develop access to higher visibility media, such as Public Broadcasting or the National Geographic; and to "piggy-back" on presentations of other geospatial related applications. There is also a need to identify the target audience.


    Barbara Poore (FGDC Secretariat) will evaluate the seminar series proposal and coordination group discussion within a broader context of FGDC outreach activities, planning and resources, and report back to the coordination group.

Framework Status Report:

Mike Domaratz presented a synopsis of framework activities. The Framework Focus Group, working on behalf of the Coordination Group in developing the framework, has completed the initial review of the draft framework "Handbook." The term "handbook" has been deemed inappropriate and a new title is required. Other recommended changes have been provided to the Somers-St. Claire, Inc the contractor developing this document, for revision.

With a goal towards Federal agency consensus on an overall plan to implement the framework, a second request for business plans has been made to the focus group due April 18. Results of this work will be presented at the May Coordination Group Meeting.

The open period for the 1997 Framework Demonstration Projects Program (FDPP) closes May 16.


    The Coordination Group is requested to identify additional FDPP application reviewers to the FGDC Secretariat by April 18.

Under the reporting requirements of the 1996 FDPP and the 1996 Competitive Cooperative Agreements Program (CCAP), the FGDC Secretariat will be receiving Interim Progress Reports from the program participants by May 1. Responding to the 1997 CCAP, which closed March 7, approximately 60 applications were received. Of those 10-12 were framework related proposals. The NSDI Benefits Program which closes May 15, contains a framework component. Federal agencies are invited to apply.

Another Framework Pilot Workshop is planned tentatively for September, 1997. The goal of the workshop is to bring together FGDC framework program participants and multiple sector organizations who are conducting framework-like activities, to further develop an approach to framework implementation.


    The Coordination Group is requested to provide input on the best time for this workshop.

In order to capitalize on regional similarities, a regional framework pilot workshop is in the planning phase for New England. Local, state and local Federal agencies are sought for participation. USGS-NMD, USGS-WRD, NRCS and EPA have been contacted, and have expressed interest in participating in this workshop. The workshop is planned for early summer 1997.


    If member agencies are interested in developing framework in New England please contact Mike Domaratz.


    The coordination group is invited to nominate a second region for a workshop where there is an active interest in framework.

The discussion on the status of activities for the NIMA Integrated Products Team will be rescheduled to the May Coordination Group meeting.

April 30, 1997 Steering Committee Meeting:

Gene Thorley led discussions on the agenda and structure of the April Steering Committee Meeting outlined on the handout that was distributed. It was emphasized that the meeting not be scheduled too tightly in order to be able to flexibly address issues as they arise but provide enough structure to get discussions started. Geologic, wetland and land cover Federal program briefings were considered for inclusion in the Tuesday afternoon session, however, it was decided to defer discussions to a later time and to keep to the present list. The issue of standards was highlighted as an important topic for discussion at the meeting. In order, to better structure the Tuesday afternoon discussions, Gale TeSelle recommended five questions that need to be addressed by those Federal lead-agencies responsible for thematically related programs.

Federal Programs to be included in the Tuesday afternoon briefings:

Program                               Agency

DOQ                                   USGS-NMD

Elevation                             USGS-NMD, NOAA

Surface Water                         USGS-NMD

Ground Transportation (Highways)      US Dept. of Transportation, Census, USGS-NMD

Political Boundaries                  Census

Soils                                 Dept. of Agriculture - NRCS

Cadastral                             BLM

    Federal lead agencies of the thematic programs listed above should address the following questions in preparation for briefing on Tuesday afternoon:

    Do we have standards that are applicable to local and community use?
    Do we have program funds that can support shared data development at the local and community level?
    What is the current status of your data development programs?
    What are the partnership opportunities?
    What is your vision for completion?


    NSGIC and NACo will decide the briefing order for the Federal programs listed in the table for the Tuesday afternoon agenda.


Kathy Clement distributed a handout announcing the September 15-18, 1997 SDTS Workshop to be held at the U.S. Geological Survey in Rolla, Missouri. The Open GIS Consortium will be represented at the workshop. For further information contact the SDTS task force at (703) 648-4577 or visit the SDTS web site at: http://mcmcweb.er.usgs.gov/sdts.

Gale TeSelle on behalf of the Earth Cover Working Group distributed a memorandum requesting land cover classification systems. Responses are due by April 23, 1997.

The FGDC-endorsed Cadastral Data Content Standard is available at the Standards Working Group web site . The hardcopy version is being printed.

Mapping Sciences Committee and NAPA Committee meeting will be discussed at the May Coordination Group Meeting.

Meeting Handouts:

    Issue Paper: Privacy Protection and Geospatial Data - Gale TeSelle
    NSDI Seminar Series Proposal - Millington Lockwood
    Framework Demonstration Projects Program request for reviewers - Mike Domaratz
    Draft FGDC Steering Committee Meeting Outline - Gene Thorley
    SDTS Workshop Announcement - Kathy Clement
    Request for Land Cover Classification Systems - Gale TeSelle

Next Coordination Group Meeting:

The next meeting is scheduled for:

May 6, 1997 from 9:00-12:00 National Association of Counties 440 First St., NW Washington, DC 20001-2080


3 blocks west of Union Station,
between E and D Street NW mid-block,
at 440 1st Street NW.