FGDC NSDI Strategic Framework Released

Geospatial Economic Impact GraphicApproved by the FGDC and endorsed by the NGAC in December 2016, the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Strategic Framework document provides a high-level plan for the continuing development and expansion of the NSDI. This high-level NSDI Strategic Framework has been developed through an analysis of the 2014-2016 NSDI Strategic Plan and the incorporation of input and requirements from non-federal partners and constituents, including the National Geospatial Advisory Committee and the organizations represented by its members. 

The FGDC community has made notable progress over the past three years in driving activities to advance the NSDI. However, significant work remains to achieve the vision of the NSDI. In order to continue this progress, this Strategic Framework identifies three major goals for the Federal community to address and three strategies to work on collaboratively with the broader geospatial community of practice.  The FGDC community will engage with the new administration in 2017 to refine this Framework and collaboratively develop implementation approaches to address the goals and strategies included in this document.

NSDI Strategic Framework Document (pdf) - Approved by the FGDC December 2016