Metadata Training and Outreach for Tribal Natural Resources and Environment Management in New England Areas

This project provided metadata training to tribal GIS users in the New England regions. The major activities included two one-day FGDC compliant metadata creation workshops and one confererce based training session. The two one-day major metadata training workshops were completed in Indian Island, Maine, and Mystic, Connecticut. Both of these workshops have had lectures, PC-based exercises and after-class readings. Nineteen tribal people registered for the training with eleven participants from five tribal governments and one tribal organization attended the two workshops. On-tribe post training and consultations have been offered by emails.  The emails also remind and encourage all attendees to start creating metadata as soon as they have produced or updated their GIS data.  Follow-up calls were made to all the workshop attendees.

Final Report

Interim Report

Project Introduction Presentation (PDF)

Penobscot Indian Nation


Binke Wang

John Banks