District of Columbia

Coordinated Cooperative Geospatial Data Activities

The District of Columbia adopted a new "Geographic Information System Strategic Plan," as a result of the of NSDI Cooperative Agreement. The plan is the result of an open and participatory process. It embodies input from the District of Columbia Geographic Information System (DC GIS) stakeholder community of interest, which includes a diverse population of participants from both inside and outside of DC Government. The main emphasis of this plan is on the long-term direction of the DC GIS Program, for both activities and governance. A specific outcome of the planning process is a refined Mission Statement for the Program, as follows:

The Mission of DC Geographic Information System (DC GIS) is to improve the quality and lower the cost of services provided by the DC Government, through the District’s collective investment and effective application of geospatial data and systems. Furthermore, DC GIS will reach beyond the DC Government by continuing to make DC GIS data freely and publicly available to the fullest extent possible in consideration of privacy and security.

Final Report -- Strategic Plan Executive Summary -- Strategic Plan

Interim Report

DC Geographic Information System


Barney Krucoff, GIS Director

Mario Field, Geospatial Data Manager


Link to more information about the 50 States Initiative